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Containerization platforms on KSL Systems#

KSL provides various containerization platforms across different clusters to help users manage and deploy their applications efficiently. Below is an overview of the containerization platforms available on the Ibex and Shaheen III.

Ibex Cluster#

The Ibex cluster offers the following containerization platform:


Singularity is available on Ibex, allowing you to create, manage, and run containers for your applications. It is suitable for a wide range of HPC workloads and provides excellent compatibility with HPC environments.

Shaheen III#

Shaheen III provides the following containerization platform:


Similar to the Ibex cluster, Shaheen III supports Singularity as a containerization platform. Singularity enables you to encapsulate your applications and execute them with near-native performance.

Choosing the right platform#

When selecting a containerization platform for your workloads, consider factors such as compatibility, performance, security, and ease of use. Depending on your specific needs and familiarity with the platforms, you can choose the platform that best aligns with your goals.

Additional Resources#