Installing packages using pip
is a powerful package manager to install packages in a Python environment. pip
can either be used to install precompiled binaries or python packages in the form of pip
wheels or build Python software from source (uses
file which comes included in source).
By default pip
pulls the pre-compiled wheels from a public repository called
On KSL systems, managed Python is installed as a Linux module and has pip
already installed. Users can use this installer to installed packages of choice in their own software directory.
By default, pip
installs packages in the root directory of the Python in ${PYTHON_HOME}/python``x.y``/site-packages (x.y
is major.minor version of python e.g. python3.10
Since normal users are not the owner of the installed Python, simple pip install <package_name>
command will not allow the package to be installed in the default location. For this, users must use an additional command line option to indicate the destination directory where the package must be installed. Depending on the KSL system, the recommended directories differ. Please refer to the relevant KSL system for instructions.
installer on Shaheen III#
On Shaheen III, the best place to install Python packages using pip
installer is the directory $MY_SW
which points to /scratch/${USER}/iops/sw
. The following shows an example of installing a python package called PyBLAS (a BLAS implementation in Python)
module load python
mkdir -p ${MY_SW}
pip install --prefix=${MY_SW} PyBLAS
If you see pip
wants to upgrade or downgrade a dependency packages which is pre-installed in the root directory of the Python module, you can force the whole dependency tree to be installed in your ${MY_SW}
pip install --prefix=${MY_SW} --ignore-installed PyBLAS
Using the installed packages#
To use the Python packages from ${MY_SW}, you will need to first update the environment so Python can find them. Below is a jobscript running a python script which uses the installed PyBLAS package we just installed.
#SBATCH -n 1
#SBATCH -c 8
module load python
export PYTHONPATH=${MY_SW}/python${PYTHON_MAJ_MIN_VER}/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH
srun -n 1 -c 8 python
installer on Ibex#
On Ibex, the best place to install Python packages using pip
installer is the directory /ibex/user/${USER}/software
On Ibex, there are more than one managed Python modulefiles. The Python you choose for installing the target package will be required everytime you want to use the package during runtime.
The following shows an example of installing a python package called PyBLAS (a BLAS implementation in Python)
module load python
mkdir -p /ibex/user/${USER}/software
pip install --prefix=/ibex/user/${USER}/software PyBLAS
If you see pip
wants to upgrade or downgrade a dependency packages which is pre-installed in the root directory of the Python module, you can force the whole dependency tree to be installed in your ${MY_SW}
pip install --prefix=/ibex/user/${USER}/software --ignore-installed PyBLAS
Using the installed packages#
Same as in Shaheen III, for Ibex, you will need to update the shell environment so that the Python will find the package your python script attempts to import
#SBATCH -n 1
#SBATCH -c 8
module load python
export PYTHONPATH=/ibex/user/${USER}/software/python${PYTHON_MAJ_MIN_VER}/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH
srun -n 1 -c 8 python