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Cray Performance Measurement and Analysis Tools (CrayPat)#

CrayPAT offers thorough data on how well an application performs. It can be used for hardware performance counter-based analysis, tracing, and profiling. It also gives users access to numerous user interfaces that let them access the experiment and reporting features, as well as a large selection of performance experiments that assess how much resource an executable program uses while it is executing.

Sampling experiment#

  • Load the modules.

module load perftools-base
module load perftools-lite
  • Build the application as usual.

  • Copy the following commands in to a file named job.slurm. Please add the partition and account in the batch script if necessary.


#SBATCH -t 30

# Change the name of the perftools experiment file/directory

time srun -n 8 /path/to/myexecutable.exe > my_output.${CRAYPAT_LITE}.${SLURM_JOBID} 2>&1
  • Launch the application.

sbatch job.slurm
  • Inspect the program output my_output.lite-samples.*.

  • More information can be retrieved with

pat_report -o myrep.sample.rpt expfile.lite-samples.*
  • myrep.sample.rpt contains the performance report.

  • To get only the power and energy results, you can generate the report as follows:

pat_report -o -v -O program_energy expfile.lite-samples.*